The Story

In May 2017 Doug and I found out we were expecting a little bundle of joy. As the pregnancy progressed we looked forward to decorating the nursery, bringing our baby home, and watching him/her grow. In September we entered our anatomy scan excited to find out what the gender of our baby was. We found out we were expecting a bouncing baby boy and that he was going to be born with a serious heart condition known as HLHS.The following days brought more doctors, scans, and many tears. We were soon referred to the Children’s Hospital in Colorado.In January we relocated from Albuquerque to Denver so that our boy could receive the lifesaving treatment he needed. On January 31st our beautiful little boy made his appearance. From the moment Walker was born the staff at Children’s Hospital worked miracle after miracle to save our little prince. In under four months of life Walker survived two open heart surgeries, four heart cath procedures, a punctured lung, cardiac arrest, chest compressions, and countless scans.

2020 brought many more scans, tests, and new information about Walker’s condition all on top of living through a pandemic. We met with our Colorado team more often than in past years. We have since relocated to the Denver area while Walker is listed for a heart transplant. We made the decision in December to move forward with a transplant as the team advised against the Fontan. We, and our wonderful team, want nothing but the best of this little warrior. Walker is now three years old and gives us such a run for our money! He loves to go to therapy and play, has fun with any sort of music, and enjoys art. He is an outgoing child with a love for life and a go get it attitude. He is so smart and loves to try new things. We cherish every milestone he achieves and are beyond blessed to call him ours. Walker faces a lifelong journey with a congenital heart defect. It is because of the wonderful staff at this hospital that we get to hold, love, and watch our baby boy grow. We will forever be grateful for their tireless efforts, support, and hope.

heart family posing for family photos while waiting for a heart transplant for their son
Family posed on bridge
mother and son dancing
CHD boy
dad playing with son

When I met Walker and his Mama Kristin they absolutely just stole my heart. At the time Walker was still a baby in a carseat and although blue he was the smiliest of babies. So when it came time for them to relocate to Denver to list him for transplant I couldn't wait to get them in front of my camera. Mr. Walker LOVES spider-man! So what do we do??? We turn the little dude into his superhero! Because he certainly is ours!

Little boy as spiderman
Mom and son kissing spiderman

Did you know that we donate 10% of all proceeds to families just like the browns?

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